Adjectives Starting with Z - 376 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are a very interesting part of speech. They add sense and specific details to the text. Adjectives are commonly described as words that modify nouns and pronouns.
We usually see adjectives placed before nouns and pronouns. The following examples will help you remember:
- Big house- Pretty color- Terrible taste
We don’t normally notice, but it’s true that adjectives can also be placed after a noun or pronoun. For example:
- He is clever.- Sharon is short.
Adjectives not only describe the qualities of a noun or pronoun but also the quality. Many, Some, and Few are examples.
These words are not always easy to spot, so here is an easy way. Remember that at most times, adjectives answer questions like ‘What kind?’, ‘Which one?’ and ‘How many?’
There are also many types of adjectives: approximately 13!
Let’s briefly discuss a few of them.
Descriptive Adjectives. These adjectives describe the qualities and traits of a noun or pronoun—for example, red car, sweet Popsicle, striped shirt.
Coordinate Adjectives. Coordinate adjectives are different describing words that apply to the same noun in a sentence. We separate coordinate adjectives with the use of a coma or ‘and.’
Demonstrative Adjectives. We use these adjectives to demonstrate or refer to a specific thing or person. They include words like this, that, and those.
List of adjectives starting with Z
Zabian | Zealous | Zebraic | Zero-day | Zibeline |
Zany | Zen | Zebralike | Zero-dimensional | Zidanesque |
Zapping | Zestful | Zebrine | Zeroeth | Ziggety |
Zappy | Zesty | Zebroid | Zero-grazed | Ziggy |
Zatfig | Zillion | Zebuine | Zero-knowledge | Zigzag |
Zazzy | Zippy | Zeitgeisty | Zeroless | Zig-zag |
Zealed | Zoetic | Zejelesque | Zerolike | Zigzaggy |
Zealless | Zealess | Zeldaesque | Zero-marking | Zillion |
Zealous | Zealous | Zen | Zero-point | Zillionth |
Zen | Zero | Zenith | Zero-rated | Zimbabwean |
Zeolitic | Zonked | Zenithal | Zero-sum | Zincian |
Zero | Zany | Zenithward | Zeroth | Zincic |
Zestful | Zealous | Zenlike | Zerovalent | Zinciferous |
Zesty | Zestful | Zennish | Zero-zero | Zinckiferous |
Zigzag | Zesty | Zeno | Zerzanian | Zincky |
Zillion | Zippy | Zenographic | Zestful | Zincless |
Zillionth | Zambian | Zenoist | Zestless | Zincographic |
Zimbabwean | Zen | Zenonian | Zesty | Zincographical |
Zinconic | Zero | Zenonic | Zetetic | Zincoid |
Zingy | Zimbabwean | Zenonist | Zetetick | Zinconic |
Zionist | Zionist | Zenophobic | Zetlandic | Zincous |
Zipless | Zabian | Zenzic | Zeugmatic | Zincy |
Zippy | Zambian | Zeolitic | Zeugopodial | Zinelike |
Zodiacal | Zany | Zeolitiform | Zeuzerine | Zingiberaceous |
Zonal | Zanyish | Zeophagous | Zghartan | Zingy |
Zonary | Zanzibari | Zeotropic | Zhdanovist | Zinkiferous |
Zoned | Zapodid | Zeotypic | Zhejiangese | Zinky |
Zoneless | Zapping | Zephyred | Zhing-zhong | Zinziberaceous |
Zoning | Zappy | Zephyrless | Zhlubby | Ziofascist |
Zonked | Zate | Zephyrlike | Zhoosh | Zionazi |
Zoogeographical | Zatfig | Zephyrous | Zionistical | Zionist |
Zoological | Zaydi | Zephyry | Zipcoded | Zionistic |
Zygomatic | Zazzy | Zero | Zipfian | Ziphioid |
Zygomorphic | Zealed | Zero day | Zip-front | Ziphodont |
Zymontic | Zealess | Zeroable | Ziphiid | Zipless |
Zealotic | Zealful | Zeroadic | Zoetic | Ziplike |
Zealotical | Zealless | Zeroary | Zoetropic | Ziplocked |
Zippable | Zirconated | Zoaeal | Zoftig | Zolaesque |
Zippered | Zirconian | Zoantharian | Zogist | Zolaistic |
Zipperless | Zirconic | Zoanthoid | Zoiatric | Zoledronic |
Zipperlike | Zirconiferous | Zoanthropic | Zoic | Zolian |
Zippo | Zitherlike | Zoarcoid | Zoidogamic | Zombic |
Zippy | Zitless | Zoarial | Zoilean | Zombied |
Ziptop | Zitty | Zodiacal | Zoisitic | Zombielike |
Zip-up | Zizekian | Zoeal | Zoistic | Zombiesque |
Zir | Zizzy | Zoecial | Zonal | Zombified |
Zonary | Zonotopic | Zoetic | Zooeal | Zomboid |
Zonate | Zonotreme | Zoetropic | Zooecial | Zombyish |
Zonated | Zonular | Zoogonous | Zooey | Zoomedical |
Zoned | Zonzte | Zoographic | Zoogamous | Zoomed-in |
Zoneless | Zoobenthic | Zoographical | Zoogenic | Zoomed-out |
Zoner | Zoocentric | Zooid | Zoogenous | Zoomer |
Zonian | Zoocephalic | Zooidal | Zoogeographic | Zoometric |
Zonifugal | Zoochemical | Zooish | Zoogeographical | Zoomorphic |
Zoning | Zoochoric | Zoolatrous | Zoögeographical | Zoömorphic |
Zonipetal | Zoochorous | Zoolike | Zoogeological | Zoomusicological |
Zonked | Zoochotic | Zoolithic | Zoogleal | Zoomy |
Zonking | Zoocidal | Zoolitic | Zoogleic | Zoonal |
Zonky | Zoodermic | Zoologic | Zoogloeal | Zoonic |
Zonogonal | Zooparasitic | Zoological | Zoogloeic | Zoonitic |
Zonographic | Zoopathic | Zoomable | Zoöglœic | Zoonomic |
Zonohedral | Zoopathological | Zoomagnetic | Zoogloeoid | Zoonotic |
Zonotopal | Zoophagic | Zoomantic | Zoogoing | Zoopagaceous |
Zoophagous | Zoosanitary | Zoomaric | Zosteraceous | Zucchinilike |
Zoophilic | Zooscopic | Zoötic | Zosteriform | Zuckerbergian |
Zoophilous | Zoosemantic | Zootomic | Zosteroid | Zuinglian |
Zoophobic | Zoosemiotic | Zootomical | Zosterophyllaceous | Zuist |
Zoophoric | Zoosexual | Zootoxic | Zotzed | Zulu |
Zoophysiological | Zoospermic | Zootoxicological | Zoukified | Zuni |
Zoophytal | Zoosporangial | Zootrophic | Zouk-like | Zuñi |
Zoophytic | Zoosporic | Zoötrophic | Zowerswopped | Zunian |
Zoophytical | Zoosporicidal | Zooty | Zygoapophyseal | Zweckrational |
Zoophytoid | Zoosporous | Zootypic | Zygobranchiate | Zwinglian |
Zoophytological | Zootechnic | Zooxanthellate | Zygocardiac | Zwitterionic |
Zooplanktivorous | Zootechnical | Zoppo | Zygodactyl | Zygaenine |
Zooplanktonic | Zooted | Zoquean | Zygodactyle | Zygal |
Zooplastic | Zootheistic | Zorched | Zygodactylic | Zygapophyseal |
Zoopsychological | Zootherapeutic | Zorkian | Zygodactylous | Zygapophysial |
Zooptic | Zootic | Zoroastrian | Zygodont | Zygenid |
Zoopy | Zygophyllaceous | Zymoplastic | Zygogenetic | Zygnemataceous |
Zygoid | Zygopleural | Zymosthenic | Zygotal | Zygomaticofrontal |
Zygomasseteric | Zygose | Zymotechnic | Zygotic | Zygomaticomalar |
Zygomatic | Zygospondylous | Zymotechnical | Zymic | Zygomaticomaxillary |
Zygomaticoalveolar | Zygosporangial | Zymotic | Zymocidal | Zygomaticosphenoid |
Zygomaticoauricular | Zygosporic | Zymurgic | Zymogenic | Zygomaticotemporal |
Zygomaticofacial | Zygosynapophyseal | Zymurgical | Zymogenous | Zygomaxillary |
Zygoneurous | Zygomycetous | Zygomycotic | Zymographic | Zygomorphic |
Zygonic | Zymoid | Zygomorphous |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Bottom line
Adjectives are a member of a class of words that are used to describe nouns and pronouns by indicating their traits and qualities. These words are also used to describe the relative position of a noun or pronoun in time and space.
Refer to the list of adjectives starting with Z above for your next written piece.
In the next article you can read about adjectives for A.