Adjectives Starting with L - 584 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
The English language consists of a range of words that make our speech and writing more specific and interesting, such as adjectives. Imagine a sentence without the use of adjectives. Wouldn’t they sound uninteresting, flat, and uninspiring?
Adjectives are descriptive words, with which we can quantify and identify individuals and unique things. We rely on parts of the speech in the English Language to refine and give structure to our sentences.
Adjectives - What they are
Extra details always help readers grasp the message better while visualizing what the writer is conveying. Do you know why details of your best friend’s adventurous trek up the mountain or your cousin’s beach wedding always excite you?
You find such details exciting because they tell you just how thrilling, sensational, adventurous, exciting, and fun the experiences are. That’s the whole purpose of using adjectives: describing in clear, vivid detail what and how a noun or pronoun is.
Now that we know about this part of the speech, are you up for a quick quiz to test your skills? Let’s solve one together and see how well we know our adjectives.
List of Adjectives with L
Labeled | Last-ditch | Leguminous | Light-minded | Loathsome |
Labelled | Lasting | Leibnitzian | Lightproof | Lobar |
Labial | Last-minute | Leibnizian | Lightsome | Lobate |
Labiate | Late | Leisured | Lightweight | Lobated |
Labile | Lateen | Leisurely | Ligneous | Lobed |
Labored | Latent | Lemonlike | Likable | Lobeliaceous |
Laboring | Later | Lemony | Like | Lobular |
Labor-intensive | Lateral | Lendable | Likeable | Local |
Laborious | Latest | Lengthened | Liked | Localised |
Laborsaving | Lathery | Lengthways | Likelier | Localized |
Laboured | Latin | Lengthwise | Likely | Locatable |
Labouring | Latinate | Lengthy | Like-minded | Located |
Laboursaving | Latino | Lenient | Lilac | Locked |
Labyrinthian | Latish | Lenitive | Liliaceous | Loco |
Labyrinthine | Latitudinal | Lenten | Lilliputian | Locomotive |
Laced | Latitudinarian | Lentic | Lilting | Locomotor |
Lacelike | Latter | Lenticular | Lily-livered | Lodged |
Lacerate | Latter-day | Lentiform | Limacine | Lofty |
Lacerated | Latticed | Lentiginose | Limacoid | Logarithmic |
Lacertilian | Latticelike | Lentiginous | Limbed | Loggerheaded |
Lachrymal | Latvian | Lentissimo | Limber | Logical |
Lachrymatory | Laudable | Lento | Limbic | Logistic |
Lachrymose | Laudatory | Leonardesque | Limbless | Logistical |
Laciniate | Laughable | Leonine | Limited | Logogrammatic |
Lackadaisical | Laughing | Lepidote | Limiting | Logographic |
Lacking | Laureate | Leprose | Limitless | Logy |
Lackluster | Laureled | Leprous | Limnological | Lone |
Lacklustre | Laurelled | Leptorhine | Limp | Lonely |
Lacky | Lavender | Leptorrhine | Limpid | Lonesome |
Laconian | Lavish | Leptorrhinian | Limping | Long |
Laconic | Law-abiding | Leptorrhinic | Lincolnesque | Longanimous |
Lacrimal | Lawful | Leptosporangiate | Lincolnian | Long-armed |
Lacrimatory | Lawless | Lesbian | Lineal | Long-distance |
Lactating | Lax | Less | Linear | Longer |
Lacteal | Laxative | Lessened | Lined | Longest |
Lactic | Laxity | Lesser | Linelike | Longhand |
Lactogenic | Lay | Lesser-known | Lingering | Longing |
Lacustrine | Layered | Less-qualified | Lingual | Longish |
Lacy | Lazy | Lethal | Linguistic | Longitudinal |
Laden | Lead | Lethargic | Lingulate | Long-life |
Ladened | Leaded | Lettered | Linked | Long-lived |
Lady | Leaden | Levantine | Linnaean | Long-range |
Ladylike | Leader | Level | Linnean | Longsighted |
Laggard | Leading | Levelheaded | Lionhearted | Longstanding |
Laic | Leadless | Level-headed | Lipless | Long-suffering |
Laid | Leafed | Levitical | Liplike | Long-term |
Laid-back | Leafless | Levorotary | Lipophilic | Longtime |
Laid-off | Leaflike | Levorotatory | Lipotropic | Long-winded |
Lamarckian | Leafy | Lewd | Lipped | Look-alike |
Lambent | Leak | Lexical | Liquefiable | Looking |
Lamblike | Leaking | Lexicalised | Liquefied | Loony |
Lame | Leakproof | Lexicalized | Liquescent | Loopy |
Lamellibranch | Leaky | Lexicographic | Liquid | Loose |
Lamentable | Leal | Lexicographical | Liquifiable | Looseleaf |
Lamented | Lean | Lexicostatistic | Liquified | Loosened |
Lamenting | Leaner | Liable | Lissom | Looser |
Laminal | Leaning | Libellous | Lissome | Looted |
Laminar | Learnable | Libelous | Listed | Lopsided |
Lamplit | Learned | Liberal | Listless | Loquacious |
Lanate | Learning | Liberalistic | Lit | Lordless |
Lancastrian | Leased | Liberated | Lite | Lordly |
Lancelike | Leasehold | Liberian | Literal | Lordotic |
Lanceolate | Leasing | Libertine | Literary | Loser |
Lancinate | Least | Libidinal | Literate | Lossless |
Lancinating | Leather | Libidinous | Lithe | Lossy |
Landed | Leathered | Libyan | Lithesome | Lost |
Landless | Leatherlike | Licenced | Lithic | Loth |
Landlocked | Leathery | Licensable | Lithographic | Lotic |
Landlubberly | Leaved | Licensed | Lithomantic | Louche |
Landscaped | Leaveless | Licentious | Lithophytic | Loud |
Languid | Leavened | Licit | Lithuanian | Louder |
Languishing | Lebanese | Licked | Litigious | Loudest |
Languorous | Lecherous | Lidded | Littered | Loud-mouthed |
Laniary | Lee | Lidless | Little | Loud-voiced |
Lank | Leechlike | Liechtensteiner | Little-known | Louisianan |
Lanky | Leering | Liege | Littler | Lousy |
Lantern-jawed | Leery | Lienal | Littoral | Loutish |
Lao | Leeward | Life | Liturgical | Louvered |
Laotian | Left | Life-giving | Livable | Lovable |
Lapidarian | Left-hand | Lifeless | Live | Loveable |
Lapidary | Left-handed | Lifelike | Liveable | Loved |
Lap-jointed | Leftish | Lifelong | Liveborn | Loveless |
Lapsed | Leftist | Lifesaver | Lived | Loveliest |
Laputan | Leftmost | Lifesize | Livelier | Lovelorn |
Larboard | Left-of-center | Life-size | Liveliest | Lovely |
Larcenous | Leftover | Life-threatening | Livelong | Loverlike |
Large | Left-wing | Lifted | Lively | Loverly |
Large-hearted | Legal | Light | Liver | Lovesick |
Larger | Legato | Light-armed | Liver-colored | Lovesome |
Large-scale | Legend | Light-blue | Liveried | Loving |
Largest | Legendary | Lighted | Liverish | Low |
Larghetto | Legged | Lighter | Liverpudlian | Lowborn |
Larghissimo | Leggy | Light-fingered | Livery | Lowbred |
Largish | Legible | Light-footed | Livid | Lowbrow |
Largo | Legion | Light-handed | Living | Lowbrowed |
Larval | Legislative | Lightheaded | Loaded | Low-budget |
Laryngeal | Legit | Light-headed | Loamless | Low-calorie |
Lascivious | Legitimate | Lighthearted | Loamy | Low-carb |
Lashing | Legless | Light-hearted | Loath | Low-cost |
Last | Leglike | Lightless | Loathly | Low-density |
Lubberly | Lymphoid | Luckless | Lumbar | Lower |
Lubricated | Lynx-eyed | Lucky | Lumbering | Lowercase |
Lubricious | Lyonnaise | Lucrative | Lumbosacral | Lowered |
Lucent | Lyophilised | Luculent | Luminary | Lowering |
Lucid | Lyophilized | Lucullan | Luminescent | Lowermost |
Lucifugal | Lyrate | Ludic | Luminous | Lower-than-expected |
Lucifugous | Lyric | Ludicrous | Lumpen | Lowest |
Luckier | Lyrical | Lugubrious | Lumping | Low-fat |
Luckiest | Lysogenic | Lukewarm | Lumpish | Low-grade |
Luckless | Lutheran | Lumbar | Lumpy | Low-interest |
Lucky | Luxe | Lumbering | Lunar | Low-key |
Lucrative | Luxembourgian | Lumbosacral | Lunate | Lowland |
Luculent | Luxemburger | Luminary | Lunatic | Low-level |
Lucullan | Luxuriant | Luminescent | Lunisolar | Lowly |
Ludic | Luxurious | Luminous | Lupine | Low-lying |
Ludicrous | Lying | Lumpen | Lurid | Low-maintenance |
Lugubrious | Lymphatic | Lumping | Luscious | Low-necked |
Lukewarm | Lymphocytic | Lumpish | Lush | Low-pressure |
Lumbar | Lusty | Lumpy | Lusitanian | Low-priced |
Lumbering | Luteal | Lunar | Lusterless | Low-ranking |
Lumbosacral | Lutheran | Lunate | Lustful | Low-risk |
Luminary | Luxe | Lunatic | Lustreless | Lowset |
Luminescent | Luxembourgian | Lunisolar | Lustrous | Low-spirited |
Luminous | Luxemburger | Lupine | Lusty | Loyal |
Lumpen | Luxuriant | Lurid | Luteal | L-shaped |
Lumping | Luxurious | Lusitanian | Lunatic | Lurid |
Lumpish | Lying | Lusterless | Lunisolar | Luscious |
Lumpy | Lymphatic | Lustful | Lupine | Lush |
Lunar | Lymphocytic | Lustreless | Lustrous | Lunate |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives make pronouns and nouns more interesting, by adding details about them. The descriptive words excite the reader’s imagination and help them learn vital pieces of information about a noun and pronoun.
In the next article you can read about adjectives with N.