Adjectives Starting with J - 143 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
Have you ever imagined how sentences would be like without descriptive words? Nobody would enjoy reading then. This is why we love adjectives so much because they provide us with all the exciting descriptive words we need.
The parts of the speech are essential language tools. Do you know why we call them that? It is because they help us bring structure, cohesiveness, and meaning to our speech and writing. In this short article, we will teach you what adjectives are all about.
Adjectives - What they are
Adjectives are descriptive words that help modify the nouns and pronouns in our sentences. They’re the words that help us inform the readers about the quality, state, attributes, etc. of the noun or pronoun under discussion.
Extra details always help readers grasp the message better while visualizing what the writer is conveying. Do you know why details of your best friend’s adventurous trek up the mountain or your cousin’s beach wedding always excite you?
They sound utterly thrilling because of the details that the writers or speakers provide you through descriptive words. If your friend tells you, “I went jet skiing in the shallow waters of the Bahamas. Trust me, the rush of adrenaline and the majestic view of the life underwater was the most exhilarating experience I’ve had.”
Can you guess why the above example was delightful to read? The descriptive words including shallow, majestic, and exhilarating, etc. created a sense of excitement in the senses. This is just what adjectives do with their power of description.
Now that you know what adjectives are all about, let’s try a little quiz to test your skills.
Adjectives Starting with J
Jacketed | Jolly | Junoesque | Jarring | Jointed |
Jacobean | Jovial | Jabbering | Jaundiced | Joker |
Jaded | Joyful | Jacketed | Jaunty | Jokey |
Jadish | Joyous | Jamaican | Javan | Joking |
Jaggy | Joysome | Jammed | Javanese | Jolif |
Jamaican | Jubilant | Jangling | Jaw-dropping | Jolly |
Jammed | Judicious | Japanese | Jawed | Jolted |
Jangling | Juicy | Jaundiced | Jawless | Jolting |
Jarred | Junoesque | Jawed | Jazzed | Jolty |
Jarring | Just | Jazzed | Jazzy | Jordanian |
Jaunty | Justifiable | Jeering | Jealous | Journalistic |
Jawed | Justified | Jerky | Jeering | Jovial |
Jealous | Jabber | Jewish | Jeffersonian | Jovian |
Jeering | Jaded | Jinx | Jejune | Jowly |
Jerky | Jagged | Jinxed | Jelled | Joyful |
Jestful | Jam | Jobless | Jellied | Joyless |
Jesting | Jammed | Jogging | Jellylike | Joyous |
Jewish | Jarring | Joined | Jeopardizing | Joysome |
Jiggish | Jaundiced | Jointed | Jerking | Jubilant |
Jocular | Jealous | Judas | Jerkwater | Judaic |
Joculatory | Jeering | Judge | Jerky | Judaical |
Jointed | Jeopardizing | Judiciary | Jerry-built | Judaistic |
Jolly | Jittering | Juicy | Jessant | Judas |
Journalistic | Jittery | Jumbled | Jestful | Judge |
Jovial | Job-killing | Jumbo | Jesting | Judgmental |
Joyful | Jobless | Jumping | Jesuit | Judicable |
Joyless | Joker | Junior | Jesuitic | Judicial |
Jubilant | Jolted | Just | Jesuitical | Judiciary |
Judaic | Jolted | Justifiable | Jet | Judicious |
Judaistic | Jumpy | Justified | Jet-black | Jugular |
Judge | Jumpy | Juvenile | Jetting | Juiceless |
Judgmental | Junky | Jabber | Jeweled | Juicy |
Judicial | Jaded | Jabbering | Jewelled | Julian |
Judiciary | Jake | Jacketed | Jewish | Jumbled |
Jugular | Jaunty | Jacksonian | Jiggered | Jumbo |
Juiceless | Jazzy | Jacobean | Jiggish | Jumentous |
Junior | Jealous | Jacobinic | Jiggling | Jumping |
Jurassic | Jestful | Jacobinical | Jihadi | Jumpy |
Jurist | Jesting | Jaculable | Jilted | Jungian |
Just | Jim-dandy | Jade | Jim-dandy | Jungly |
Justifiable | Jimp | Jaded | Jimp | Junior |
Justified | Jittery | Jadish | Jingling | Junky |
Jutting | Jocose | Jagged | Jingly | Junoesque |
Juvenile | Jocoserious | Jaggy | Jingoistic | Jural |
Jaculable | Jocular | Jailed | Jinx | Jurassic |
Jake | Joculatory | Jain | Jinxed | Juridic |
Jaunty | Jocund | Jainist | Jittering | Juridical |
Jazzy | Jokey | Jake | Jittery | Jurisdictional |
Jessant | Jolly | Jam | Job-killing | Jurisprudential |
Jeweled | Jovial | Jamaican | Jobless | Jurist |
Jiggish | Joyful | Jamesian | Jocose | Juristic |
Jim-dandy | Joyless | Jammed | Jocoserious | Jury-rigged |
Jocose | Joyous | Jam-packed | Jocular | Just |
Jocoserious | Jubilant | Jangling | Joculatory | Justifiable |
Jocular | Judgmental | Jangly | Jocund | Justificative |
Jocund | Judicious | Janus-faced | Jogging | Justificatory |
Jokey | Juicy | Japanese | Joined | Justified |
Jolif | Jumpy | Jarred | Joint | Jutting |
Juxtaposed | Juvenile |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives are descriptive words that help us describe our pronouns and nouns in detail. With these words, we can bring a piece of text to life and make it interesting and exciting for the readers.
In the next article you can read about adjectives beginning with I.