Adjectives Starting with V - 430 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are a very useful and interesting part of speech. They are ‘describing words’ that help us describe nouns and pronouns to make any text interesting for our readers. Adjectives tell specific details about a noun or pronoun while also making our sentences thought-provoking and vivid.
We often find adjectives placed before a noun or pronoun. See these examples:
- Beautiful dress- Huge hall- Silly dog
However, we can also place adjectives after nouns and pronouns. We can do this later in the sentence or even right after. Here are a few examples to help you understand better:
Later in the sentence:
- That guy is- She looks
Right after a noun or pronoun:
- These are the only solutions- Look for any seats- She is three years older than me.
Now that you’re aware of basic information about adjectives, let’s test your skills. Make sure to remember the role they play and how there are a variety of placement options.
List of adjectives starting with V
Vaccinated | Villainous | Verifiable | Vibrant | Veratric |
Vaginal | Violated | Verificative | Victorious | Verbal |
Vagrant | Violent | Veritable | Viewable | Verdurous |
Vague | Virgin | Vermicious | Vigorous | Verecundious |
Vain | Virtual | Vermiculous | Vile | Veridical |
Valedictory | Visible | Verminous | Vendible | Vast |
Valid | Visored | Vermiparous | Veneficious | Vaulting |
Validatory | Visual | Vermivorous | Venerable | Vegetable |
Valued | Visualized | Vernaculous | Vengeable | Vegetarian |
Valved | Vital | Vernal | Vengeful | Vegetative |
Vanadous | Vivid | Verrucous | Venomous | Venatical |
Vandal | Voiceless | Versable | Venatorial | Vendable |
Vanilla | Volunteering | Versatile | Venatical | Vegetarian |
Vapid | Voyeuristic | Versicolor | Vendable | Valuable |
Vapored | Vacillant | Versimilous | Vegetive | Veiled |
Vaporific | Vacillatory | Versual | Veinless | Venerable |
Vaporing | Vacuolated | Vertebral | Veinlike | Venetian |
Vaporizable | Vacuous | Vertebrarterial | Veinous | Venezuelan |
Vapory | Vacuum-packed | Vertical | Velamentous | Venomous |
Variable | Vadose | Vertiginous | Veliferous | Verbal |
Variant | Vafrous | Vesical | Vellicative | Venatorial |
Varied | Vagal | Vesiculous | Velutinous | Vegetable |
Various | Vagarious | Vesperal | Venatical | Vegetative |
Varying | Vagient | Vespertinal | Vanished | Voyeuristic |
Vascular | Vagile | Vestigial | Vanquishable | Voyeuristical |
Vassal | Vaginal | Vexatious | Vaporized | Vulnerable |
Vast | Vaginopennous | Viable | Vaporous | Vulturous |
Vaulty | Vagous | Vibrational | Variable | Vellicative |
Vaunted | Vague | Vicarious | Vascular | Velutinous |
Velvety | Vagus | Vicennial | Vast | Valiant |
Verbal | Vain | Viceregal | Vaulting | Validated |
Verbose | Vainglorious | Vicinal | Vedantic | Validatory |
Verdant | Valedictory | Vicious | Vedic | Valorous |
Verifiable | Valent | Vicissitudinous | Vegetal | Voraginous |
Veritable | Valerianaceous | Victorious | Vegetarian | Vortical |
Vernacular | Valerianic | Vietnamese | Vegetational | Vortiginous |
Versatile | Valeric | Viewable | Vegetative | Voyageable |
Versed | Valery | Vigesimal | Vaunted | Validated |
Very | Valetudinous | Vigorous | Vauntful | Validatory |
Viable | Valiant | Villenous | Vauty | Valorous |
Vicarious | Valid | Villous | Vectigal | Valuable |
Vigilant | Valkyrian | Viminal | Vagrant | Valueless |
Vigorous | Vallar | Vimineous | Vague | Vulgar |
Violet | Vallary | Vinaceous | Valiant | Vagabond |
Viral | Vallatory | Vinal | Vaster | Volumetric |
Virtual | Valorous | Vincentian | Vasty | Volumetrical |
Visible | Valuable | Vincible | Vatic | Voluminal |
Visual | Valueless | Vindemial | Vatical | Voluminous |
Vital | Vanadic | Vindicable | Vaticinal | Voluptuous |
Vivid | Vandal | Vindicative | Vaulty | Voracious |
Vocal | Vandalic | Vindictive | Vicious | Versatile |
Vocational | Vandyke | Vinous | Vigilant | Vicarious |
Voiceless | Vanilla | Violable | Vindictive | Vassal |
Voluntary | Vanillic | Violaceous | Visionary | Vast |
Vulnerable | Vanished | Violascent | Voracious | Volitient |
Valiant | Vanishing | Violative | Vulgar | Volitional |
Valid | Vanquishable | Violent | Vasiform | Voiceful |
Valuable | Vanward | Violescent | Vasoconstrictor | Voiceless |
Velvety | Vapid | Violet | Vasodilator | Voidable |
Venerable | Vaporable | Violuric | Vasoformative | Volcanic |
Venturesome | Vapored | Viperous | Vasomotor | Volitable |
Verbal | Vaporiferous | Viral | Vassal | Volitient |
Verbose | Vaporific | Virent | Vainglorious | Volitional |
Verdant | Vaporing | Virescent | Vehement | Vituperrious |
Verifiable | Vaporish | Virginal | Vengeful | Vivacious |
Veritable | Vaporizable | Viricidal | Venturesome | Vivificative |
Versatile | Vaporized | Viridescent | Verbose | Viviparous |
Versed | Vaporose | Virological | Versatile | Vivisectional |
Vibrant | Vaporous | Virtual | Vicarious | Vizierial |
Vicarious | Vapory | Virtuous | Varioloid | Vociferous |
Victorious | Vapourific | Virucidal | Variolous | Vulgar |
Vigilant | Vapourisable | Virulent | Variorum | Vulnerable |
Vigorous | Vapourised | Viscoidal | Various | Vain |
Visionary | Vapourish | Viscometric | Varying | Vindictive |
Vital | Vapourous | Viscosimetric | Vas | Vinegary |
Vivacious | Vapulatory | Viscous | Vascular | Violent |
Vivid | Variable | Visible | Vituperative | Volcanic |
Voluptuous | Varian | Visional | Variegated | Vitreous |
Voracious | Variant | Visionless | Varietal | Vitrescible |
Vacant | Varicelliform | Visitable | Variformed | Vitrifiable |
Vagrant | Variciform | Visitatorial | Variolar | Vitriolizable |
Vague | Varicolored | Visitorial | Variolic | Vituperable |
Vain | Varicoloured | Visualized | Variolitic | Vituperative |
Vapid | Varicose | Vitelligenous | Vicious | Venomous |
Vegetative | Varicous | Viticultural | Vile | Vexed |
Vengeful | Varied | Vitiliginous | Villainous | Vexing |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final thoughts
Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. They can be placed both before and after a noun or pronoun. And don’t forget to make use of our list of adjectives starting with V.
In the next article you can know about adjectives that start with X.