Adjectives Starting with Q - 195 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
Adjectives are descriptive words that describe the quality, state, and attributes of a noun or pronoun. We use these words to add structure, depth, and interesting angles to our text.
If we did not have adjectives, we’d all only read dull, uninteresting, and flat sentences. They would be no details to excite our imagination or intrigue us. There would be nothing that would help readers visualize scenes that the writer or speaking is discussing.
In the next article you can know many descriptive words that start with S in our next article.
But for now, let’s learn a little more about adjectives.
Adjectives - What they are
Extra details always help readers grasp the message better while visualizing what the writer is conveying. Do you know why details of your best friend’s adventurous weekend up in the mountains or your friend’s beach wedding always excite you?
You find such details exciting because they tell you just how thrilling, sensational, adventurous, exciting, and fun the experiences are. That’s the whole purpose of using adjectives: describing in clear, vivid detail what and how a noun or pronoun is.
Now that we know about this part of the speech, are you up for a quick quiz to test your skills? Let’s solve one together and see how well we know our adjectives.
Adjectives Starting with Q
Qabalistic | Quadrille | Quantitative | Queerish | Quinary |
Qatari | Quadrillionth | Quantitive | Quelled | Quinate |
Quack | Quadrilobate | Quantivalent | Quemeful | Quincentenary |
Quackish | Quadrilobed | Quantized | Quenchable | Quincentennial |
Quacky | Quadrilocular | Quaquaversal | Quenched | Quinic |
Quad | Quadrinodal | Quarantined | Quenchless | Quininic |
Quade | Quadrinomical | Quarreling | Quercine | Quinovic |
Quadrable | Quadrinominal | Quarrellous | Quercitannic | Quinquagesima |
Quadragenarious | Quadripartite | Quarrelsome | Querier | Quinquangular |
Quadragesimal | Quadripennate | Quarried | Querulential | Quinquarticular |
Quadrangular | Quadriphonic | Quarry | Querulous | Quinquefarious |
Quadrantal | Quadriphyllous | Quartan | Questionable | Quinquefid |
Quadraphonic | Quadrisonic | Quartenylic | Questionary | Quinqueliteral |
Quadrasonic | Quadrisulcate | Quartered | Questioning | Quinquelobared |
Quadrate | Quadrivalent | Quarterfinal | Questionless | Quinquelocular |
Quadratic | Quadrivalve | Quarterhung | Questuary | Quinquenerved |
Quadratojugal | Quadrivalvular | Quartering | Quibbling | Quinquennial |
Quadrature | Quadrivial | Quarterly | Quick | Quinquepartite |
Quadrennial | Quadrumanous | Quartic | Quick-acting | Quinquevalve |
Quadribasic | Quadruped | Quarto | Quick-drying | Quinquevalvular |
Quadrible | Quadrupedal | Quartziferous | Quicken | Quinquivalent |
Quadric | Quadruple | Quartzose | Quicklime | Quintan |
Quadricapsular | Quadruplex | Quartzous | Quick-minded | Quintessential |
Quadricornous | Quadruplicate | Quartzy | Quick-paced | Quintic |
Quadricostate | Quaggy | Quasi | Quick-sighted | Quintillionth |
Quadridentate | Quaint | Quatch | Quicksilvered | Quintuple |
Quadriennial | Quakerish | Quaternary | Quick-tempered | Quirinal |
Quadrifarious | Quakerlike | Quaternate | Quick-thinking | Quirked |
Quadrifid | Quakerly | Quavering | Quick-witted | Quirkish |
Quadrifoil | Quaky | Queachy | Quiddative | Quirky |
Quadrifoliate | Qualifiable | Queasy | Quidditative | Quite |
Quadrifurcated | Qualified | Quebecois | Quiesce | Quittable |
Quadrigeminal | Qualifier | Quechuan | Quiescent | Quixotic |
Quadrigeminous | Qualitative | Queenlike | Quiet | Quizzical |
Quadrigenarious | Qualitied | Queenly | Quietistic | Quodlibetical |
Quadrijugate | Quality | Queen-size | Quietus | Quondam |
Quadrijugous | Qualmish | Queer | Quilled | Quotable |
Quadrilateral | Quantal | Queerer | Quilted | Quoted |
Quadriliteral | Quantifiable | Queerest | Quiname | Quote-driven |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives are descriptive words that add interesting and intriguing details to our sentences. Without using a range of descriptive words, our text would never impress the readers. The descriptive words add pulsating life and vibrant details that excite our imagination and help us form images in our minds. With our list of Q adjectives, you’ll never fail to impress with your language skills.