Adjectives Starting with I to Describe a Person
Adjectives in writing serve a variety of different purposes. This is why it's so important to have a big vocabulary filled with adjectives that start with I.
If you are crafting your own piece, adjectives that start with I will add value and interest to your writing. This is often referred to as "snow" in writing: words that make your writing look pretty and add fluff. When you add adjectives that start with I, your reader will be able to picture what you're talking about more clearly.
The other reason you might want to know adjectives that start with I is to perform better on high-stakes exams like the GRE or SAT. Even though you won't be able to memorize all of the adjectives starting with I for the exam, when you spend time expanding your vocabulary, you're more likely to increase your scores on standardized tests.
Adjective Review
Before we dig into our list of adjectives starting with I, let's first review the basic definition of an adjective.
An adjective is a part of speech. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns, which will make your writing more interesting. These words, likefluffy, gentle,anddreary,help create more imagery in writing. Instead of saying that the day was cold, you could say the day was dreary and gray, and that you could see your breath. These adjectives add interest to what you are writing and engage your reader.
Since adjectives modify nouns and pronouns, they always come before the word they are changing. It is not uncommon for a sentence to have multiple adjectives.
Adjectives are generally broken up into the following categories:
- Possessive Adjectives (My, your, his, her, their, our).- Demonstrative Adjectives (These, those, this, and that).- Coordinate Adjectives (adjectives that are separated with commas or the word and,).- Numbers adjectives (generally all numbers used in a sentence is an adjective).- Interrogative Adjectives (What, which, and whose).- Indefinite Adjectives (Any, many, no, several, and few).- Attributive Adjectives (words that describe traits, qualities, and features).
Adjectives Starting with I
Thousands of adjectives start with the letter I, which is great news for you, as a writer! This means that your writing doesn't have to be stale or boring for your reader.
As you can see, each of these words have numerous variations, which will help you match the word to your intended meaning.
ideal | imprecise | indefatigable | inglorious | intercontinental |
idealised | impregnable | indefeasible | ingrained | intercostal |
idealistic | impressed | indefensible | ingratiating | intercrossed |
idealized | impressible | indefinable | ingratiatory | interdenominational |
ideational | impressionable | indefinite | ingrowing | interdepartmental |
idempotent | impressionist | indehiscent | ingrown | interdependent |
identical | impressionistic | indelible | inguinal | interdisciplinary |
identifiable | impressive | indelicate | inhabitable | interested |
identified | imprisoned | indentured | inhabited | interesting |
ideographic | improbable | independent | inhalant | interfacial |
ideologic | impromptu | indescribable | inharmonic | interfaith |
ideological | improper | indestructible | inharmonious | interfering |
idiographic | improvable | indeterminable | inherent | intergalactic |
idiomatic | improved | indeterminate | inheritable | interim |
idiomatical | improvident | indexical | inherited | interior |
idiopathic | improving | indexless | inheriting | interlaced |
idiosyncratic | improvised | indian | inhibited | interlacing |
idiotic | imprudent | indicative | inhibitory | interlineal |
idle | impudent | indicatory | inhomogeneous | interlinear |
idolatrous | impugnable | indictable | inhospitable | interlinking |
idolised | impuissant | indie | inhuman | interlobular |
idolized | impulsive | indifferent | inhumane | interlocking |
idyllic | impure | indigenous | inhumed | interlocutory |
iliac | imputable | indigent | inimical | intermediate |
ill | imputrescible | indigestible | inimitable | intermeshed |
illative | in | indignant | iniquitous | interminable |
illegal | inaccessible | indigo | initial | intermittent |
illegible | inaccurate | indirect | initiative | intermolecular |
illegitimate | inactive | indiscernible | initiatory | intermural |
illiberal | inadequate | indiscreet | injectable | internal |
illicit | inadmissible | indiscrete | injudicious | international |
illimitable | inadvertent | indiscriminate | injured | internationalist |
illiterate | inadvisable | indiscriminating | injurious | internationalistic |
illogical | inaesthetic | indispensable | inky | internecine |
illuminated | inalienable | indisposed | inlaid | interoceptive |
illuminating | inalterable | indisputable | inland | interoperable |
illusional | inane | indissoluble | inmost | interpersonal |
illusionary | inanimate | indistinct | innate | interplanetary |
illusive | inapplicable | indistinguishable | inner | interpretable |
illusory | inapposite | individual | innermost | interpretative |
illustrative | inappreciable | individualised | innocent | interpreted |
illustrious | inappropriate | individualist | innocuous | interpretive |
imaginable | inapt | individualistic | innovational | interracial |
imaginary | inarguable | individualized | innovative | interred |
imaginative | inarticulate | indivisible | innoxious | interrelated |
imbalanced | inartistic | indocile | innumerable | interrogative |
imbecile | inattentive | indolent | innumerate | interrogatory |
imbecilic | inaudible | indomitable | innumerous | interrupted |
imbricate | inaugural | indonesian | inodorous | interscholastic |
imbricated | inauspicious | indoor | inoffensive | interschool |
imitation | inauthentic | indrawn | inoperable | intersectant |
imitative | inboard | indubitable | inoperative | intersecting |
immaculate | inborn | induced | inopportune | intersexual |
immanent | inbound | inducive | inordinate | interspecies |
immaterial | inbred | inductive | inorganic | interspecific |
immature | inbuilt | indulgent | inpouring | interstate |
immeasurable | incalculable | indurate | inquiring | interstellar |
immediate | incan | indusial | inquisitive | interstitial |
immemorial | incandescent | industrial | inquisitorial | intertidal |
immense | incapable | industrialised | inquisitory | intertribal |
immensurable | incapacitated | industrialized | insalubrious | intervening |
imminent | incapacitating | industrious | insane | intervertebral |
immiscible | incarnate | indwelling | insanitary | interwoven |
immobile | incased | inebriated | insatiable | intestate |
immoderate | incautious | inedible | insatiate | intestinal |
immodest | incendiary | ineffable | inscribed | intimal |
immoral | incensed | ineffective | inscriptive | intimate |
immortal | inceptive | ineffectual | inscrutable | intimidated |
immotile | incertain | inefficacious | insectan | intimidating |
immovable | incessant | inefficient | insecticidal | intolerable |
immoveable | incestuous | inelaborate | insectivorous | intolerant |
immune | inchoate | inelastic | insecure | intoned |
immunised | inchoative | inelegant | insensate | intoxicant |
immunized | incident | ineligible | insensible | intoxicated |
immunochemical | incidental | ineluctable | insensitive | intoxicating |
immunocompetent | incipient | inept | insentient | intracellular |
immunocompromised | incised | inequitable | inseparable | intracerebral |
immunodeficient | incisive | ineradicable | inshore | intracranial |
immunogenic | incitive | inerrable | inside | intractable |
immunologic | inclement | inerrant | insidious | intracutaneous |
immunological | inclined | inert | insightful | intradepartmental |
immunosuppressed | included | inertial | insignificant | intradermal |
immunosuppressive | inclusive | inescapable | insincere | intradermic |
immunotherapeutic | incognito | inessential | insinuating | intragroup |
immutable | incognizable | inestimable | insipid | intralinguistic |
impacted | incognizant | inevitable | insistent | intralobular |
impaired | incognoscible | inexact | insolent | intramolecular |
impalpable | incoherent | inexcusable | insoluble | intramural |
imparipinnate | incombustible | inexhaustible | insolvable | intramuscular |
impartial | incoming | inexorable | insolvent | intransigent |
impassable | incommensurable | inexpedient | insomniac | intransitive |
impassioned | incommensurate | inexpensive | insouciant | intrapulmonary |
impassive | incommodious | inexperienced | inspirational | intrasentential |
impatient | incommunicado | inexperient | inspiratory | intraspecies |
impeccable | incommunicative | inexpert | inspired | intraspecific |
impeccant | incommutable | inexpiable | inspiring | intrastate |
impecunious | incomparable | inexplicable | inspiriting | intrauterine |
impeded | incompatible | inexplicit | inst | intravenous |
impeding | incompetent | inexpressible | instant | intraventricular |
impelled | incomplete | inexpressive | instantaneous | intrepid |
impellent | incomprehensible | inexpugnable | instigative | intricate |
impelling | incomprehensive | inexpungeable | instinct | intriguing |
impendent | incompressible | inexpungible | instinctive | intrinsic |
impending | incomputable | inextensible | institutional | intrinsical |
impenetrable | inconceivable | inexterminable | institutionalised | introductory |
impenitent | inconclusive | inextinguishable | institutionalized | introjected |
imperative | incongruent | inextirpable | instructional | introspective |
imperceptible | incongruous | inextricable | instructive | introuvable |
imperfect | inconsequent | infallible | instrumental | introversive |
imperfectible | inconsequential | infamous | insubordinate | introverted |
imperforate | inconsiderable | infantile | insubstantial | introvertish |
imperial | inconsiderate | infatuated | insufferable | introvertive |
imperialist | inconsistent | infeasible | insufficient | intruding |
imperialistic | inconsolable | infected | insular | intrusive |
imperious | inconspicuous | infectious | insulting | intuitionist |
imperishable | inconstant | infective | insuperable | intuitive |
impermanent | incontestable | infelicitous | insupportable | intumescent |
impermeable | incontestible | inferential | insurable | inundated |
impermissible | incontinent | inferior | insured | inured |
impersonal | incontrovertible | infernal | insurgent | inutile |
impertinent | inconvenient | infertile | insurmountable | invading |
imperturbable | inconvertible | infinite | insurrectional | invalid |
imperviable | incorporate | infinitesimal | insurrectionary | invalidated |
impervious | incorporated | infinitival | insusceptible | invalidating |
impetiginous | incorporative | infirm | intact | invaluable |
impetuous | incorporeal | inflamed | intangible | invariable |
impious | incorrect | inflammable | integral | invariant |
impish | incorrigible | inflammatory | integrated | invasive |
implacable | incorrupt | inflatable | integrative | inventive |
implanted | incorrupted | inflated | integumental | inverse |
implausible | incorruptible | inflationary | integumentary | invertebrate |
implemental | increased | inflected | intellectual | inverted |
implemented | increasing | inflectional | intelligent | invertible |
implicated | incredible | inflexible | intelligible | investigative |
implicational | incredulous | inflowing | intemperate | investigatory |
implicative | incremental | influent | intended | inveterate |
implicit | incriminating | influential | intense | invidious |
implike | incriminatory | informal | intensified | invigorated |
imploring | inculpable | informational | intensifying | invigorating |
impolite | inculpative | informative | intensional | invincible |
impolitic | inculpatory | informatory | intensive | inviolable |
imponderable | incumbent | informed | intent | inviolate |
important | incurable | infrahuman | intentional | invisible |
imported | incurious | inframaxillary | interactional | invitational |
importunate | incursive | infrangible | interactive | invitatory |
imposed | incurvate | infrared | interbred | inviting |
imposing | incurved | infrasonic | intercalary | involucrate |
impossible | indebted | infrequent | intercellular | involuntary |
impotent | indecent | infuriated | interchangeable | involute |
impoverished | indecipherable | infuriating | interchurch | involved |
impracticable | indecisive | ingenious | intercollegiate | invulnerable |
impractical | indecorous | ingenuous | interconnected | inward |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Whether you are trying to boost your vocabulary for the vocabulary sections of high-stakes assessments, or simply trying to make your writing more interesting, adjectives that start with I, are easy to find and use.
Remember, adjectives have many jobs, so if you are looking to add some interest to your writing, you will most likely be able to find adjectives that start with I.
Are you looking for more topics like this one? blog is filled with information, just like this, that will help you understand more clearly and grow as a writer.
In the next article you can know about adjectives beginning with L.