Adjectives Starting with R - 455 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are words that restrict or add to the sense of a noun or pronoun. They are an exciting part of speech as they can give any text imagery by describing the nouns in it.
These are the same set of words that you use to tell your friend about the melodious song you recently heard. And more importantly, you wouldn’t be able to describe your feelings towards unfunny memes if there were no adjectives!
Adjectives describe the qualities and traits, and states of being of nouns so that it’s easier to spot them. Words like many, few, and thousands that describe the number of nouns are also adjectives.
These words tell us how a noun or pronoun looks, tastes, smells or feels. At the same time, they answer questions like ‘What kind?’, ‘How many?’, and ‘Which?’ Asking yourself if a certain word answers these questions should help you easily identify adjectives.
Let us see a few examples:
- “The flawed system of the bank needs to be fixed soon”. Here, we know what kind of system the writer is talking about.- “That short-heighted girl is calling you”. Here, the writer tells us which girl they’re referring to.- “Millions of people were affected due to the pandemic”. Here, we are told the number of people the writer wants to tell us about.
Now that you have a basic understanding of how an adjective modifies nouns, test yourself by answering the short quiz below.
List of adjectives starting with R
Rabid | Rested | Reactive | Ransomed | Reducible |
Racial | Restored | Realistic | Rapacious | Reductionist |
Radiant | Restrained | Reasonable | Raped | Reductive |
Radioactive | Restrictive | Reassured | Rapid | Redundant |
Raging | Retired | Reassuring | Rapid-fire | Redux |
Rainy | Retroactive | Rebellious | Rapt | Reechoing |
Rambling | Reusable | Receptive | Raptorial | Reedlike |
Rampant | Revealing | Relaxed | Rapturous | Reedy |
Random | Reverse | Relaxing | Rare | Reefy |
Rank | Reversible | Relentless | Rarefied | Reeking |
Rapid | Revolting | Religious | Rarified | Reentrant |
Rare | Revolutionary | Remorseful | Raring | Referable |
Rash | Rewarding | Remorseless | Rascally | Referenced |
Rasping | Rhetorical | Resentful | Rash | Referent |
Raspy | Rhythmic | Resilient | Rasping | Referential |
Rational | Ribbed | Resolute | Raspy | Refillable |
Ravenous | Rickety | Resourceful | Raspy | Refined |
Raving | Right | Respectable | Rastafarian | Reflected |
Raw | Rightful | Respectful | Ratable | Reflecting |
Reactive | Rigid | Responsible | Rateable | Reflective |
Ready | Ripe | Responsive | Ratified | Reflex |
Real | Risky | Revengeful | Ratiocinative | Reflexed |
Realistic | Ritualistic | Reverent | Rational | Reflexive |
Reasonable | Robotic | Reverential | Rationalist | Reformable |
Rebel | Rocketing | Romantic | Rationalistic | Reformative |
Rebellious | Rocky | Rabid | Rationed | Reformatory |
Receding | Rolling | Racist | Ratlike | Reformed |
Recent | Romantic | Radiant | Rattlebrained | Reformist |
Receptive | Roomy | Radical | Rattled | Refractile |
Reciprocal | Rose | Radioactive | Rattlepated | Refractive |
Reckless | Rounded | Rambling | Rattling | Refractory |
Recognizable | Ruby | Rampant | Ratty | Refreshed |
Recognized | Rugged | Rancid | Ratty | Refreshful |
Rectangular | Ruling | Random | Raucous | Refreshing |
Recyclable | Ruptured | Rank | Raunchy | Refrigerant |
Red | Rushed | Rare | Ravaged | Refrigerated |
Reddish | Rustling | Rattling | Ravaging | Refrigerating |
Redeemable | Radiant | Ratty | Ravening | Refulgent |
Referential | Rakish | Ravenous | Ravenous | Refundable |
Refillable | Rapid | Raving | Raving | Refurbished |
Reflective | Rapturous | Ravished | Ravished | Refutable |
Refundable | Rare | Ravishing | Ravishing | Regal |
Refurbished | Raucous | Raw | Raw | Regardant |
Regional | Ravishing | Ready | Rawboned | Regardful |
Regretful | Ready | Real | Rayless | Regardless |
Regrettable | Real | Rebel | Razed | Regenerate |
Relative | Realistic | Recent | Razorback | Regenerating |
Relaxed | Reasonable | Reciprocal | Razor-edged | Regent |
Relevant | Reassured | Reckless | Reachable | Regimental |
Reliable | Reassuring | Reclusive | Reactionary | Regimented |
Relieved | Receptive | Red | Reactionist | Regional |
Religious | Recognizable | Red-blooded | Reactive | Registered |
Remaining | Recognized | Reddened | Readable | Regnant |
Remarkable | Redolent | Refined | Ready | Regressive |
Remedial | Refreshing | Regal | Real | Regretful |
Remote | Refundable | Regular | Realised | Regrettable |
Removable | Regal | Reigning | Realistic | Regular |
Renewable | Reigning | Relevant | Realizable | Regulated |
Rented | Relatable | Reliable | Realized | Regulation |
Repairable | Relaxed | Religious | Reanimated | Regulative |
Repaired | Relaxing | Remarkable | Rear | Regulatory |
Repeated | Relevant | Repelling | Rearing | Rehabilitative |
Repellent | Reliable | Republican | Rearmost | Reigning |
Repetitious | Relieved | Repulsive | Rearward | Reincarnate |
Repetitive | Remarkable | Reputable | Reasonable | Reinforced |
Replaceable | Renewable | Respected | Reasoned | Reinvigorated |
Repressive | Repairable | Resplendent | Reasoning | Reiterative |
Rescued | Reputable | Retired | Reasonless | Rejected |
Reserved | Reputed | Retired | Reassured | Rejective |
Resident | Rescued | Rich | Reassuring | Rejoicing |
Residual | Resilient | Richer | Rebarbative | Relatable |
Resonant | Resolute | Richest | Rebel | Related |
Respective | Resounding | Ridiculous | Rebellious | Relational |
Rested | Resourceful | Rigid | Rebellious | Relative |
Restored | Respectable | Roman | Reborn | Relativistic |
Restrained | Respectful | Romanian | Recalcitrant | Relaxant |
Restrictive | Respective | Rotund | Recalcitrant | Relaxed |
Retired | Responsible | Rough | Receding | Relaxing |
Retroactive | Responsive | Round | Receivable | Releasing |
Reusable | Rested | Rounded | Received | Relentless |
Revealing | Restored | Rowdy | Recent | Relevant |
Reverse | Revamped | Royal | Receptive | Reliable |
Reversible | Rewarding | Rude | Recessed | Reliable |
Revolting | Rhetorical | Rumpled | Recessional | Reliant |
Revolutionary | Rich | Russian | Recessionary | Relieved |
Rewarding | Richer | Rabbinic | Recessive | Religious |
Rhetorical | Richest | Rabbinical | Rechargeable | Relinquished |
Rhythmic | Right | Rabble | Recherche | Relocated |
Ribbed | Rightful | Rabelaisian | Reciprocal | Reluctant |
Rickety | Ripe | Rabid | Reciprocative | Remaining |
Right | Ritzy | Racemose | Reciprocatory | Remarkable |
Rightful | Riveting | Rachitic | Reckless | Rembrandtesque |
Rigid | Robust | Racial | Reclaimable | Remediable |
Ripe | Romantic | Racist | Reclaimed | Remedial |
Risky | Roomy | Rackety | Recluse | Remindful |
Ritualistic | Rosy | Racking | Reclusive | Reminiscent |
Robotic | Royal | Racy | Recognisable | Remiss |
Rocketing | Rabble | Raddled | Recognised | Remittent |
Rocky | Rabid | Radial | Recognizable | Remorseful |
Rolling | Racist | Radiant | Recognized | Remorseless |
Romantic | Radical | Radiate | Recoilless | Remote |
Roomy | Radioactive | Radiating | Recollective | Removable |
Rose | Ragged | Radical | Recombinant | Removed |
Rounded | Rampant | Radio | Reconcilable | Remunerated |
Ruby | Rancid | Radioactive | Reconciled | Remunerative |
Rugged | Rasping | Radiographic | Reconciling | Renal |
Ruling | Raspy | Radiological | Recondite | Renascent |
Ruptured | Raw | Radiolucent | Recondite | Rending |
Rushed | Reactive | Radiopaque | Reconstructed | Renegade |
Rustling | Reasonless | Radiophonic | Reconstructive | Renegotiable |
Radiant | Rebellious | Radiosensitive | Recorded | Renewable |
Rakish | Recalcitrant | Radiotelephonic | Recoverable | Renewed |
Rapid | Reckless | Raffish | Recovered | Renewing |
Rapturous | Reclusive | Raftered | Recovering | Reniform |
Rare | Regretful | Ragged | Recreant | Renowned |
Raucous | Regrettable | Raging | Recreational | Rentable |
Ravishing | Relentless | Raiding | Recriminative | Rental |
Ready | Reluctant | Raimentless | Recriminatory | Rented |
Real | Remedial | Rainbow-colored | Recrudescent | Renunciant |
Realistic | Remorseful | Raining | Rectal | Renunciative |
Reasonable | Remorseless | Rainless | Rectangular | Reorganised |
Reassured | Remote | Rainproof | Rectifiable | Reorganized |
Reassuring | Repellent | Rainy | Rectified | Repairable |
Receptive | Reprehensible | Raisable | Rectilineal | Repaired |
Recognizable | Repressive | Raiseable | Rectilinear | Repand |
Recognized | Repugnant | Raised | Rectosigmoid | Reparable |
Redolent | Repulsive | Raising | Recumbent | Repayable |
Refreshing | Resentful | Rakish | Recuperative | Repeatable |
Refundable | Restless | Rakish | Recurrent | Repeated |
Regal | Restrictive | Rallentando | Recurring | Repellant |
Reigning | Reviled | Rallying | Recursive | Repellent |
Relatable | Revolting | Ramate | Recurvate | Repelling |
Relaxed | Ridiculing | Rambling | Recurved | Repentant |
Relaxing | Riotous | Rambunctious | Recusant | Repetitious |
Relevant | Risky | Rambunctious | Recyclable | Repetitive |
Reliable | Rotten | Ramose | Red | Replaceable |
Relieved | Rotting | Ramous | Red-blooded | Replete |
Remarkable | Rough | Rampageous | Redbrick | Replicable |
Renewable | Rudimentary | Rampant | Reddened | Reportable |
Repairable | Rueful | Ramshackle | Reddish | Reported |
Reputable | Ruined | Rancid | Redeemable | Reposeful |
Reputed | Ruinous | Rancorous | Redeemed | Reprehensible |
Rescued | Rumpled | Random | Redeeming | Representable |
Resilient | Rusted | Randomised | Redemptional | Representational |
Resolute | Rusty | Randomized | Redemptive | Representative |
Resounding | Ruthless | Randy | Redemptory | Represented |
Resourceful | Rutted | Ranging | Redheaded | Repressed |
Respectable | Rambunctious | Rangy | Redistributed | Repressing |
Respectful | Rampageous | Rank | Redolent | Repressive |
Respective | Rampant | Ranked | Redoubled | Reproachful |
Responsible | Rapturous | Ranking | Redoubtable | Reprobate |
Responsive | Rational | Ransacked | Reduced | Reproducible |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Bottom Line
Adjectives are words that are important to bring life to any text. They are also called ‘describing words’ as they are mainly used to describe people and things along with feelings and thoughts. Use our list of adjectives with R for writing your next piece.
In the next article you can read about adjectives that start with T.