Adjectives Starting with N - 333 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
Adjectives are a list of words that help bring a text to life, with vivid details and imagery!
Have you ever imagined how reading would be if there were no descriptive words to boost a text? Imagine if we had no words to tell you how our meal tasted, how an outfit looked, how an experience felt etc.
The descriptive words we’re referring to are adjectives, which are an important part of the speech. In fact, it is only due to adjectives that we can delight, excite, enrage, enthrall and spark a range of emotions with our text.
Intricacies of Adjectives
It wouldn’t be wrong to describe adjectives as information gatherers. Do you know why? The simple reason is that adjectives primarily provide detailed information about a noun’s color, age, type, size, material, origin, and lots more.
Want to take a look at some examples? Let’s list some down for you below!
- We have an English table in the breakfast room- I love the grey rattan furniture in your garden- This dress has a very soft fabric
As you can see in the examples above, the bold words are adjectives because they describe the quality of the noun right after.
Now that you know what adjectives are all about, let’s quickly test how well you have grasped the concept.
List of Adjectives with N
Nacreous | Nearby | Nickeliferous | Noncellular | Nonretractable |
Naevoid | Nearctic | Nickelous | Noncollapsable | Nonretractile |
Naevose | Nebulous | Nidicolous | Noncollapsible | Nonreturnable |
Naggy | Nebuly | Nidifugous | Noncombinative | Nonreversible |
Naive | Necessary | Nidorous | Noncombustible | Nonsegmental |
Naked | Neckless | Niggardous | Noncommercial | Nonsegregated |
Namable | Necklike | Nightertale | Noncommittal | Nonsense |
Namaste | Necrobiotic | Nimbiferous | Noncommunicable | Nonsensical |
Namaycush | Necrologic | Nimble | Noncompetitive | Nonsensitive |
Namby-pamby | Necrological | Nimious | Noncondensible | Nonsexual |
Nameless | Necromantical | Nitriferous | Nonconductive | Nonsocial |
Namibian | Necrophagous | Nitrogenous | Nonconscious | Nonspatial |
Napless | Necroscopical | Nitrohydrochloric | Nonconsecutive | Nonspeaking |
Napoleonic | Nectareous | Nitrolic | Noncontagious | Nonspecific |
Napped | Nectarial | Nitromuriatic | Noncontroversial | Nonspherical |
Nappy | Nectariferous | Nitroprussic | Noncooperative | Nonstructural |
Narcissine | Nectarous | Nitrosalicylic | Noncritical | Nonsubjective |
Narcissistic | Needful | Nitrose | Noncrucial | Nonsubmergible |
Narcoleptic | Needlelike | Nitrosylic | Noncyclical | Nonsubmersible |
Narcotic | Needless | Nitrous | Nondeductible | Nonsubmissive |
Narcotical | Nefarious | Nitry | Nondestructive | Nonsuppurative |
Narial | Nefast | Nitty | Nondigestible | Nonsurgical |
Narrable | Negative | Nitwitted | Nondisposable | Nonsweet |
Narrative | Neglectful | Nival | Nonelective | Nonsyllabic |
Narratory | Neglective | Niveous | Nonelectrical | Nonthermal |
Narre | Negligible | Nociceptive | Nonexclusive | Nontraditional |
Narrow | Negotiable | Nocive | Nonfictional | Nonviable |
Nasal | Negotious | Noctivagous | Nonfinancial | Normal |
Nasicornous | Negritic | Noctuid | Nonfissile | Normative |
Nasiform | Negro | Nocturnal | Nonfissionable | Nosocomial |
Nasobuccal | Negroid | Nocuous | Nonflammable | Nosohusial |
Nasofrontal | Negroloid | Nodical | Nonfunctional | Nosological |
Nasolachrymal | Nemoral | Nodous | Nonglutinous | Nosopoetic |
Nasopalatal | Nemorous | Nodulous | Nongregarious | Nostalgic |
Nasoseptal | Neologic | Noematic | Nonheritable | Noteful |
Nasoturbinal | Neological | Noematical | Nonhierarchical | Noteless |
Nasty | Neologistic | Noetical | Nonimitative | Noteworthy |
Natal | Neologistical | Noiseless | Nonindustrial | Noticeable |
Natalitial | Neotenous | Noisome | Noninfectious | Notifiable |
Natalitious | Neoterical | Noisy | Noninheritable | Notional |
Natatorial | Neotropical | Nomad | Nonintellectual | Nourishable |
Natatorious | Nephridial | Nomadic | Noninvasive | Nourished |
Natatory | Nephritical | Nomenclatural | Nonlegal | Noxious |
Naticoid | Nepotal | Nomic | Nonmaterial | Nubiferous |
National | Nervous | Nominal | Nonmodern | Nubigenous |
Nationwide | Neural | Nominalistic | Nonmusical | Nubilous |
Natural | Neurapophysial | Nominated | Nonnative | Nuciferous |
Naturalistic | Neurologic | Nominatival | Nonnatural | Nude |
Natureless | Neurological | Nominative | Nonnegative | Numberless |
Naturistic | Neuromatous | Nomopelmous | Nonnegotiable | Numerable |
Naufragous | Neuromotor | Nomothetic | Nonnitrognous | Numeral |
Naughty | Neuromuscular | Nomothetical | Nonnormative | Numerative |
Nauruan | Neuropathic | Nonabrasive | Nonobjective | Numerical |
Nauseative | Neuropodous | Nonabsorptive | Nonoxygenous | Numerological |
Nauseous | Neuropsychiatric | Nonadaptive | Nonpersonal | Numerous |
Nautic | Neuropsychological | Nonaddictive | Nonpolitical | Numinous |
Nautical | Neuropterous | Nonadhesive | Nonporous | Numismatic |
Nautiloid | Neurotomical | Nonadsorptive | Nonprofit | Numismatical |
Naval | Neurotoxic | Nonaerobiotic | Nonprognosticative | Nuncupative |
Navarrese | New | Nonagesimal | Nonprogressive | Nutritionary |
Navicular | Newbie | Nonappointive | Nonrefundable | Nutritious |
Navigable | Newborn | Nonarbitrable | Nonrenewable | Nutritive |
Navigational | Newish | Nonassertive | Nonrepetitive | Nymphal |
Navigerous | Newsworthy | Nonassociative | Nonrepresentative | Nymphical |
Navy | Nexible | Nonautonomous | Nonresidential | Nymphiparous |
Nazarene | Nice | Noncausal | Nonresinous | |
Nazaritic | Nickelic | Noncausative | Nonrestrictive |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives are a part of the speech and consist of descriptive words. We rely on these to help enrich our text with fine details and extra information regarding our nouns and pronouns. Any piece of text or speech would fall flat without the use of adjectives. Hence, with our list, you can now ensure your sentences are interesting and detail-oriented.
In the next article you can know about adjectives that start with P.