What is 5/16 as a decimal?
5/16 as a decimal is = 0.4125
- A fraction is the representation of the number of parts out of the whole. The fraction has two parts- the numerator and the denominator, which is separated by a line.- The number above the line is called the numerator and the number below the line is called the denominator.- Sometimes the fractions are also written in their decimal form.- The numerator is divided by the denominator to get the decimal form of the fraction.
Let us find the decimal form of the given fraction $$\frac{\mathbf5}{\mathbf{16}}$$ by carrying out the division.
- When you have a fraction in which the denominator is greater than the numerator, we start the quotient with decimal point and add 0 to the dividend.- Note that 0 can be added in each of the steps to the remainder to make it divisible.- We can continue dividing until you reach a remainder of 0.- The quotient is the decimal form of the fraction.- Converting fractions to decimals helps in adding or subtracting them easily without having to find the common denominator.
Hence we have $$\frac{\mathbf5}{\mathbf{16}}$$ =0.4125.
Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.
- In the fraction $$\frac56$$ , the number 5 is the dividend (our numerator)
- The number 6 is our divisor (our denominator).
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