
What is 13/16 as a decimal?

13/16 as a decimal is 0.8125


Any fraction can be converted to decimal form by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

The numerator 13 is the divisor and the denominator 16 is the dividend.

What is 13/16 as a decimal_img2

Since 16 > 13, we cannot divide 13 by 16. To continue the division, start by placing a decimal point in the quotient.

Add 0 to 13 to make it 130.

Find the number of times 16 divides 130.

16 divides 130 eight times to give 128.Subtract 128 from 130 to get a remainder of 2.

Add 0 again to make it 20.16 divides 20 one time to give 16.Subtract from 20 to get a remainder of 4.

Add 0 to make it 40.16 divides 40 two times to give 32.Subtract 32 from 40 to get the remainder 8.

Add 0 again to make it 80.16 divides 80 five times completely and leaves a remainder of 0.

Since the remainder is 0, we cannot divide further.



Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac{13}{16}$$, the number 13 is the dividend (our numerator)
  • The number 16 is our divisor (our denominator).

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1/1 = 11/8 = 0.1253/4 = 0.757/9 = 0.7
11/16 = 0.68758/9 = 0.87/8 = 0.8754/5 = 0.8
1/2 = 0.51/9 = 0.12/5 = 0.43/10 = 0.3
15/32 = 0.46877/10 = 0.75/9 = 0.54/7 = 0.571
1/3 = 0.31/10 = 0.15/6 = 0.832/11 = 0.18
3/5 = 0.63/11 = 0.279/10 = 0.91/4 = 0.25
1/11 = 0.092/7 = 0.285715/11 = 0.453/7 = 0.428571
6/11 = 0.544/11 = 0.361/5 = 0.21/12 = 0.083
5/7 = 0.714288/11 = 0.726/7 = 0.857147/12 = 0.583
7/16 = 0.43751/6 = 0.161/16 = 0.06253/8 = 0.375
5/12 = 0.4165/8 = 0.6255/16 = 0.312515/16 = 0.9375
1/7 = 0.1428572/3 = 0.62/9 = 0.23/16 = 0.1875
4/9 = 0.413/16 = 0.812519/32 = 0.5937
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