Adjectives Starting With I - 497 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
When you’re learning grammar concepts, the most important tools you will meet are the parts of speech. Adjectives are one of the most essential language tools because they bring our text to life with imagery and vivid details.
The majority of English language sentences need nouns and pronouns to sound complete. However, they alone are not enough to make our writing or speech sound cohesive and complete. We need to include more descriptive words that accurately and thoroughly convey what we wish to, to the reader.
Do you know how we can do that? Adjectives are our best friends for this purpose!
Adjectives- What they are
Adjectives are descriptive words that help us modify nouns and pronouns. We use them to list the attributes, quality and status etc. of the noun or pronoun under discussion. We all crave details and more information for everything, don’t we?
This is exactly what the adjectives provide. Now let’s suppose your best friend is vacationing in the Bahamas. Would you find meagre pieces of information like, ‘I’m on a holiday” satisfactory? Most definitely not and we wouldn’t either in your place.
However, what you’d find truly interesting is something like this; “Hey, I’m vacationing in the Bahamas. The place is sensational, ethereal and picturesque. Wait till you see pictures of pink-sand beaches, chic resorts and the water sports I’m enjoying here.”
Did you see what made the above example come alive and spark your imagination? Words like pink-sand, picturesque, sensational, and chic added the details your information-hungry brain wanted.
This dear friend is the magnificent power of adjectives. The descriptive words help readers imagine and visualize the scenes that the writer is trying to create with words.
Now that we’ve taught you about adjectives, let’s run a quick quiz to test your skills. Are you ready for it? Let’s go!
List of Adjectives with I
Icelandic | Illegal | Imaginary | Impressionable | Impressive |
Iconic | Illegible | Imbecile | Impressionist | Imprintable |
Icy | Illegitimate | Immaculate | Impressionistic | Imprisonable |
Ideal | Ill-fated | Imposing | Ill-favoured | Imprisoned |
Idealized | Illicit | Impoverished | Ill-fitting | Improbable |
Identifiable | Illogical | Impractical | Ill-formed | Impromptu |
Identified | Immature | Impregnable | Ill-gotten | Improper |
Ideological | Immeasurable | Impressed | Ill-humored | Improvable |
Idiotic | Immodest | Impressionable | Illiberal | Improved |
Idle | Immoral | Impressionist | Illicit | Improvident |
Idolized | Immovable | Impressive | Illimitable | Improving |
Idyllic | Impassable | Imprisoned | Ill-informed | Improvised |
Iffy | Impatient | Improbable | Ill-intentioned | Imprudent |
Ignited | Impenetrable | Impromptu | Illiquid | Impudent |
Ignorant | Imperfect | Improper | Illiterate | Impugnable |
Ignored | Imperialistic | Improved | Ill-judged | Impulsive |
Ill | Impersonal | Improving | Ill-looking | Impure |
Illegal | Impetuous | Improvised | Ill-mannered | Inaccessible |
Illegible | Impious | Imprudent | Ill-matched | Inaccurate |
Illegitimate | Implausible | Impudent | Ill-natured | Inactive |
Illicit | Implosive | Impugnable | Illocutionary | Inadequate |
Illuminated | Impolite | Inactive | Illogic | Inadmissible |
Illusionary | Imposing | Inadequate | Illogical | Inadvertent |
Illusive | Impossible | Inadmissible | Ill-omened | Inadvisable |
Illusory | Impoverished | Inadvertent | Ill-prepared | Inalienable |
Illustrative | Impractical | Inadvisable | Ill-starred | Inalterable |
Imaginable | Imprecise | Inane | Ill-suited | Inane |
Imaginary | Improbable | Inappropriate | Ill-tempered | Inanimate |
Imaginative | Improper | Inarticulate | Ill-thought-out | Inapparent |
Imbalanced | Imprudent | Inaudible | Ill-timed | Inapplicable |
Immovable | Impure | Inbound | Illuminated | Inappreciable |
Immune | Inaccessible | Inbred | Illuminating | Inappropriate |
Immunized | Inaccurate | Indefeasible | Illuminative | Inapt |
Immutable | Inactive | Indefinable | Illusionary | Inarguable |
Impacted | Inadequate | Indefinite | Illusionistic | Inarticulate |
Impaired | Inadmissible | Indelicate | Illusive | Inarticulated |
Impatient | Inadvisable | Indentured | Illusory | Inartistic |
Impeded | Inane | Independent | Illustrational | Inattentive |
Impelled | Inapplicable | Indescribable | Illustrative | Inaudible |
Impending | Inappropriate | Indestructible | Illustrious | Inaugural |
Imperceptible | Inapt | Indeterminate | Imageable | Inauspicious |
Imperfect | Inarticulate | Indian | Imaginable | Inauthentic |
Impervious | Inattentive | Indicative | Imaginal | Inbetween |
Impish | Incoherent | Indicatory | Imaginary | Inboard |
Implanted | Incompetent | Indigenous | Imaginative | Inborn |
Imploring | Ineffective | Indigent | Imagistic | Inbound |
Imposed | Infamous | Indirect | Imbalanced | Inbred |
Impressed | Insane | Indiscriminate | Imbecile | Inbuilt |
Impressible | Insecure | Indiscriminating | Imbecilic | In-built |
Imprisoned | Insidious | Indisposed | Imbricate | Incalculable |
Impromptu | Insignificant | Indisputable | Imitable | Incandescent |
Improvable | Insulting | Indistinct | Imitative | Incantatory |
Improvised | Irrational | Individual | Immaculate | Incapable |
Impure | Irresponsible | Individualist | Immanent | Incarnate |
Inactive | Irritating | Individualized | Immaterial | Incarnational |
Inborn | Idealistic | Induced | Immature | Incautious |
Inclined | Idiosyncratic | Indulgent | Immeasurable | Incendiary |
Inconsequential | Illogical | Inebriated | Immediate | Incensed |
Inconspicuous | Imaginative | Infuriating | Immemorial | Incessant |
Incursive | Imbecile | Ingrained | Immense | Incestuous |
Indebted | Imbecilic | Ingratiating | Immersive | Inchoate |
Indelible | Immature | Ingratiatory | Immigrant | Inchoative |
Indelicate | Immodest | Ingrown | Imminent | Inch-perfect |
Indonesian | Immoral | Inharmonious | Immiscible | Incidental |
Industrialized | Impartial | Inherent | Immiserated | Incipient |
Ineligible | Impassioned | Inheritable | Immobile | Incisive |
Inert | Impassive | Inherited | Immoderate | Inclinable |
Infected | Impatient | Inheriting | Immodest | Inclined |
Inferior | Impersonal | Inhibited | Immoral | Inclusionary |
Infirm | Impertinent | Initial | Immortal | Inclusive |
Infrequent | Impetuous | Injured | Immotile | Incognito |
Initial | Impious | Injurious | Immovable | Incoherent |
Inky | Imploring | Innocent | Immoveable | Incoming |
Inlaid | Impolite | Innovative | Immune | Incommodious |
Inland | Imposing | Inoffensive | Immunized | Incommunicable |
Ideal | Impractical | Inoperable | Immunogenic | Incomparable |
Idealistic | Impulsive | Inquiring | Immunologic | Incompatible |
Identifiable | Inattentive | Intent | Immunological | Incompetent |
Illuminating | Incensed | Iambic | Immutable | Incomplete |
Imaginable | Incestuous | Iatrogenic | Impacted | Incomprehensible |
Imaginative | Inclined | Ice-cold | Impactive | Incompressible |
Immaculate | Incoherent | Ice-free | Impaired | Inconceivable |
Immense | Incorrigible | Icelandic | Impalpable | Inconclusive |
Immortal | Indecent | Icky | Impartial | Incongruent |
Impassioned | Indecisive | Iconic | Impartible | Incongruous |
Impeccable | Independent | Iconoclastic | Impassable | Inconsecutive |
Imperial | Indiscreet | Iconographic | Impassible | Inconsequent |
Important | Indiscriminate | Iconological | Impassioned | Inconsequential |
Imposing | Indiscriminating | Ictal | Impassive | Inconsiderable |
Impressive | Individualistic | Icteric | Impatient | Inconsiderate |
Improvable | Indulgent | Icy | Impeachable | Inconsistent |
Improved | Ineffable | Icy-cold | Impeccable | Inconsolable |
Inarguable | Ineffectual | Ideal | Impecunious | Inconspicuous |
Incandescent | Inexact | Idealistic | Impeded | Inconstant |
Inclusive | Inexhaustible | Idealized | Impelled | Incontestable |
Incorruptible | Infantile | Idealogical | Impending | Incontinent |
Increasing | Infatuated | Ideal-typical | Impenetrable | Incontrovertible |
Incredulous | Inflexible | Ideational | Impenitent | Inconvenient |
Independent | Infuriating | Ident | Imperatival | Inconvertible |
Indestructible | Ingenious | Identical | Imperative | Incorporative |
Indispensable | Inhumane | Identifiable | Imperceptible | Incorporeal |
Individual | Innovative | Identificatory | Imperceptive | Incorrect |
Indivisible | Inquisitive | Identified | Imperfect | Incorrigible |
Indomitable | Inquisitorial | Ideographic | Imperfective | Incorruptible |
Indulgent | Insane | Ideologic | Imperial | Increasing |
Industrious | Insatiable | Ideological | Imperialist | Incredible |
Inexhaustible | Inscrutable | Idiolectal | Imperialistic | Incredulous |
Inexpensive | Insecure | Idiomatic | Imperious | Incremental |
Infallible | Insensitive | Idiopathic | Imperishable | Incriminatory |
Infinite | Insidious | Idiosyncratic | Impermanent | Incubatory |
Influent | Insincere | Idiotic | Impermeable | Incumbent |
Influential | Insipid | Idiot-proof | Impermissible | Incurable |
Informal | Insistent | Idle | Impersonal | Incurious |
Informed | Inspirational | Idolatrous | Impertinent | Incursive |
Innocent | Inspired | Idolized | Imperturbable | Indebted |
Innocuous | Insulting | Idyllic | Impervious | Indecent |
Inquiring | Insurrectional | Iffy | Impetuous | Indecipherable |
Inquisitive | Intelligent | Igneous | Impious | Indecisive |
Inseparable | Intense | Ignited | Impish | Indecorous |
Insightful | Interesting | Ignoble | Implacable | Indefatigable |
Inspirational | Intolerant | Ignominious | Implantable | Indefeasible |
Inspired | Intriguing | Ignorable | Implanted | Indefensible |
Instant | Introspective | Ignorant | Implausible | Indefinable |
Instinctive | Introvert | Ignored | Implementable | Indefinite |
Instinctual | Introverted | Ileal | Implemental | Indelible |
Instructive | Irate | Ileoanal | Implicational | Indelicate |
Instrumental | Irrational | Ileocaecal | Implicative | Indentured |
Intact | Irresponsible | Ileocecal | Implicatory | Independent |
Integral | Irreverent | Ileocolic | Implicit | Indepth |
Integrated | Irritable | Ileocolonic | Imploring | In-depth |
Intellectual | Idealistic | Ileorectal | Implosive | Indescribable |
Intelligent | Idealized | Ileovesical | Impolite | Indestructible |
Intended | Identical | Iliac | Impolitic | Indeterminable |
Interchangeable | Identifiable | Ilk | Imponderable | Indeterminant |
Interested | Identified | Ill | Imponderous | Indeterminate |
Interesting | Ideographic | Ill-advised | Importable | Indeterministic |
Intimate | Ideologic | Ill-assorted | Important | Indexical |
Intrepid | Ideological | Ill-behaved | Imported | Indian |
Intriguing | Idiomatic | Ill-bred | Importunate | Indicative |
Intrinsic | Idiotic | Ill-conceived | Imposable | Indicatory |
Intuitive | Idle | Ill-conditioned | Imposed | Indictable |
Invaluable | Idolized | Ill-considered | Imposing | Indifferent |
Inventive | Idyllic | Ill-constructed | Impossible | Indigenous |
Invincible | Ill | Ill-defined | Impotent | Indigent |
Inviting | Illegal | Ill-directed | Impoverished | Indigestible |
Involved | Illegitimate | Ill-disguised | Impracticable | Indignant |
Irresistible | Illicit | Ill-disposed | Impractical | Indigo |
Icy | Illiterate | Illegal | Imprecise | Indirect |
Idiotic | Illuminated | Illegible | Impregnable | Indiscernible |
Ignorant | Illusive | Illegitimate | Imprescriptible | Indisciplined |
Ignored | Illustrious | Ill-equipped | Impressed | Indiscreet |
Ill | Imaginable | Ill-fated | Impressible | Indiscriminate |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives make pronouns and nouns more interesting, by adding details about them. The descriptive words excite the reader’s imagination and helps them learn vital pieces of information about a noun and pronoun.
In the next article you can know about adjectives beginning with K.