Adjectives Starting with P - 588 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
Adjectives are an integral part of the English language. Can you guess why? It is because they bring life, vitality, interest, and information to sentences. Our speech and writing would sound rather dull and fail to spark our imagination if we do not include details in it.
Take a look at an example:
Without adjectives - "I ate cake."
With adjectives - "I ate a moist, delicious and rich chocolate cake at the café. You should try it too."
From the above examples, you can clearly see how the first sentence sounds utterly flat. It does nothing to entice our imagination or make us visualize what the writer is describing. But the complete opposite happens in the second sentence.
Let’s briefly take a look at the kind of adjectives we have.
Interrogative Adjectives
We have three interrogative adjectives that help us modify nouns too. We use these adjectives to ask questions. They include whose, what, and which. For example:
- Whose bag is this?- What time should I reach?- Which color suits you best?
Demonstrative Adjectives
The beauty of adjectives is that they’re so easy to guess by their names and determine the purpose they serve. Demonstrative adjectives help us refer to or demonstrate specific things, animals, and people. For example that, this, those and these.
Coordinate Adjectives
We separate coordinate adjectives with the word ‘and’ or by using a comma. Coordinate adjectives describe the same noun in a sentence. There are many sentences in which we often have to list several attributes of a noun. Take a look at an example:
The bright and sunny day was ideal for a picnic at the beach.
Bright and sunny are the two coordinate adjectives in our example above.
Possessive Adjectives
It is easy to figure by the name that possessive adjectives refer to a possession. Some examples include their, our, its, her, his, your, and my. You may have already noticed that these same possessive adjectives also serve as possessive nouns.
Adjectives Starting with P
Pacific | Peep-toe | Pie-eyed | Post-war | Private |
Pacifist | Peerless | Pierced | Potable | Privative |
Padded | Peeved | Piercing | Potbellied | Privileged |
Pagan | Pelagic | Pietistic | Pot-bellied | Privy |
Painful | Penal | Piffling | Potent | Prize |
Painkilling | Pendent | Piggish | Potential | Prized |
Painless | Pendulous | Pig-headed | Potholed | Pro |
Painstaking | Penetrable | Pigtailed | Potty | Proactive |
Painted | Penetrating | Pilot | Pouty | Probable |
Palatable | Penetrative | Pimpled | Powdery | Probative |
Palatal | Penile | Pineal | Powerful | Procedural |
Palatial | Peninsular | Pink | Powerless | Procreative |
Palatine | Penitent | Pinkish | Practicable | Productive |
Pale | Penitential | Pinky | Practical | Profane |
Palindromic | Penniless | Pinpoint | Practiced | Professed |
Palladian | Pensionable | Pin-striped | Praetorian | Professional |
Palliative | Pensive | Pint-sized | Pragmatic | Professorial |
Pallid | Pentagonal | Piquant | Prandial | Proficient |
Palpable | Pentatonic | Piratical | Prayerful | Profitable |
Paltry | Pent-up | Pissed | Prebiotic | Profitless |
Paly | Penultimate | Piss-poor | Precast | Profligate |
Pampered | Penurious | Pitch-black | Precious | Profound |
Panchromatic | Peppery | Pitch-dark | Precipitate | Profuse |
Pandemic | Peppy | Pitchy | Precipitous | Prognostic |
Panicked | Peptic | Piteous | Precise | Programmable |
Panicky | Perceivable | Placid | Preclinical | Programmatic |
Panoramic | Perceptible | Plaguy | Precocious | Progressive |
Pantheistic | Perceptive | Plaid | Preconscious | Prohibitive |
Pantomimic | Percipient | Plain | Pre-cooked | Projective |
Papal | Percussive | Planar | Predicative | Prokaryotic |
Paperless | Peremptory | Planetary | Predictable | Proliferative |
Papery | Perennial | Planned | Predictive | Prolific |
Papillary | Perfect | Plastic | Predisposed | Prominent |
Papist | Perfectible | Platonic | Predominant | Promiscuous |
Pappy | Perfective | Platy | Preemptive | Promised |
Papuan | Perfidious | Playable | Prefatory | Promising |
Parabolic | Perforate | Playful | Prefectural | Promissory |
Paracrine | Perforated | Pleading | Preferable | Promotable |
Parallel | Perfumed | Pleasant | Preferential | Promotional |
Paralogous | Perianal | Pleased | Pregnant | Prompt |
Paralympic | Pericardial | Pleasing | Prehensile | Prone |
Paralytic | Perilous | Pleasingly | Prehistoric | Pronged |
Paramedical | Perinatal | Pleasurable | Prejudiced | Pronominal |
Parametric | Period | Plentiful | Prejudicial | Pronounceable |
Paramilitary | Periodic | Plenty | Pre-launch | Pronounced |
Paramount | Periodical | Pliant | Preliminary | Proof |
Paranoiac | Periodontal | Plodding | Premalignant | Proper |
Paranoid | Peripatetic | Plosive | Premier | Propertied |
Paraphyletic | Peripheral | Plucky | Premium | Prophetic |
Paraplegic | Perishable | Plug-in | Premonitory | Prophylactic |
Parasitic | Peristaltic | Plumb | Premorbid | Propionic |
Parasitical | Peritoneal | Plummy | Prenatal | Propitiatory |
Parathyroid | Perivascular | Plump | Prenominal | Propitious |
Parched | Perky | Plural | Preoccupied | Proportional |
Pardonable | Permanent | Pluralist | Preoperative | Proportionate |
Paregoric | Permeable | Plus | Pre-owned | Proportioned |
Parenchymal | Permissible | Plush | Preparative | Propositional |
Parental | Permissive | Pocked | Preparatory | Proprietary |
Parenteral | Pernicious | Pocket-size | Prepared | Proprietorial |
Parenthetic | Perplexed | Poetic | Preplanned | Proprioceptive |
Parietal | Perplexing | Pointless | Preponderant | Propulsive |
Parking | Persian | Pointy | Prepositional | Prosodic |
Parlous | Personable | Poised | Preppy | Prospective |
Parochial | Personal | Poisonous | Pre-release | Prosperous |
Parotid | Personalized | Poker-faced | Prerequisite | Prostatic |
Parricidal | Person-to-person | Pokey | Presbyterian | Prosthetic |
Parrot-like | Perspectival | Poky | Preschool | Prostrate |
Partial | Perspective | Polar | Pre-school | Prosy |
Partible | Perspicacious | Polemical | Prescient | Protean |
Participative | Perspicuous | Polish | Prescriptive | Protectable |
Participatory | Persuasive | Polished | Present | Proud |
Participial | Pert | Polite | Presentable | Provable |
Particular | Pertinent | Politic | Present-day | Provencal |
Partisan | Perturbed | Political | Preservative | Proverbial |
Part-time | Perturbing | Polychrome | Pre-service | Provident |
Party | Peruvian | Polycyclic | Preset | Providential |
Paschal | Pervasive | Polygamous | Presidential | Provincial |
Passable | Perverse | Polygenic | Pressing | Provisional |
Passerine | Perverted | Polygonal | Pressure-cooker | Provocative |
Passing | Pesky | Polyhedral | Pressurized | Prudent |
Passionate | Pessimistic | Polymeric | Prestigious | Prudential |
Passionless | Pestering | Polymorphic | Presumptive | Prussic |
Passive | Pestiferous | Polytheistic | Presynaptic | Psionic |
Past | Pestilent | Polytonal | Pre-tax | Psychic |
Pastel | Pestilential | Polyvalent | Pretend | Pubic |
Past-life | Pet | Pompous | Pretentious | Public |
Pastoral | Petite | Ponderous | Pretibial | Pudgy |
Pasty | Petitionary | Pontifical | Pretrial | Puerile |
Patchy | Petrified | Pontine | Pre-trial | Puffy |
Patent | Pettish | Poor | Pretty | Pulpy |
Patentable | Petty | Poorer | Prevailing | Punchy |
Pathetic | Phasic | Poorest | Prevalent | Punctilious |
Pathless | Phatic | Poorly | Preventable | Punctual |
Pathological | Phenolic | Pop | Preventative | Punctured |
Patient | Phenomenal | Pop-eyed | Preventive | Pungent |
Patriarchal | Philippine | Popish | Previous | Punic |
Patrician | Philological | Popping | Prevocational | Punishable |
Patrilineal | Philosophic | Poppy | Prewar | Purdy |
Patrimonial | Philosophical | Popular | Pre-war | Pure |
Patriotic | Phobic | Populist | Priceless | Purist |
Patristic | Phonemic | Populous | Pricey | Purple |
Patronal | Phonetic | Pop-up | Prickly | Purported |
Patronizing | Phonic | Porcine | Pricy | Purposeful |
Patterned | Phony | Porky | Prim | Purposefully |
Peaceable | Photographic | Portable | Primal | Purposeless |
Peaceful | Photometric | Portly | Primary | Purposive |
Peachy | Phreatic | Posey | Prime | Purring |
Peaked | Phyletic | Posh | Primed | Pursuant |
Peaky | Physical | Positional | Primitive | Purulent |
Pearly | Physiologic | Positive | Princely | Push-pull |
Pear-shaped | Picked | Positivist | Principal | Pushy |
Pea-sized | Pickled | Possessive | Principled | Putative |
Pectoral | Picky | Possible | Printable | Putrid |
Peculiar | Pictorial | Postoperative | Prior | Puzzled |
Pedantic | Piddling | Post-operative | Prismatic | Puzzling |
Pedestrian | Piebald | Post-punk | Prissy | |
Pediatric | Pied | Postural | Pristine |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives are descriptive words that enlighten a reader of the quality, state, and attributes of a noun or pronoun. Use them to enrich your sentences and make them interesting to read.
In the next article you can read about R adjectives.